Hi everyone! My name is Danbee Kim, and I’m a neuroscientist and teacher.
I recently collaborated with Petefire Artist Blacksmith to explore the neuroscience of touch and proprioception as used by artists and crafters, such as blacksmiths, circus performers, and architectural model makers in an event called Dear Neuroscience.

Danbee Kim, neuroscientist and teacher.

I also recently wrote The First VIRS, a science fiction graphic novel that combines current topics in science and technology with a speculation on how the next 100 years might play out. I’ve been a lifelong fan and reader of comics myself, and now I’m hoping to use comics to make science and technology more fun and accessible to everyone, especially for audiences that are currently underserved by traditional forms of science communication.
You can read the chapter 1 teaser for The First VIRS online, or watch our promo video for the project.
If you are also a fan of comics, or interested in connecting science and technology with arts and crafts, please consider making a donation when we launch our Kickstarter campaign on Tuesday, September 24! Your contribution will help us pay our amazing artists and produce nicely-bound, colour-printed physical copies of the graphic novel.

I hope that together, we can take another step towards making scientific research more open and accessible to everyone. Thanks so much for reading!
…here’s the click-through to the Kickstarter campaign for The First VIRS, science fiction graphic novel website link again!